Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 90251990 import data and import data of products under 90251990 HS code. 90251990 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 90251990, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 5313
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 90251990 | 067860005-temperature transmitter 55 c m14 x 1,5 (spare parts of concrete pump) | 10 | PCS | 14.55 | 145.49 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | 635-pc1aa1ae10s2sb1100aa mt-st pointer thermometer | 1 | UNT | 658.53 | 658.53 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | temptale (products for r& d purpose) (china) | 1 | PCS | 18.82 | 18.82 | italy |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | 71163399 insert rtd aa d3 ils240 -50..+200c (20 pcs) (parts & accessories for measuring instruments) | 20 | PCS | 67.15 | 1342.99 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | 71163388 insert rtd a d3 ils240 -50..+200c (50 pcs) (parts & accessories for measuring instruments) | 50 | PCS | 62.20 | 3109.87 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | 71163391 insert rtd a d3 ils700 -50..+200c (20 pcs) (parts & accessories for measuring instruments) | 20 | PCS | 78.07 | 1561.40 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | 71279978 cone end sensor class a/375 d6x25 tmr3x (50 pcs) (parts & accessories for measuring instruments) | 50 | PCS | 13.72 | 685.86 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | slot rtd pt100-dual -305x10x3mm | 8 | PCS | 188.88 | 1511.08 | austria |
22-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90251990 | 00626815- jumo steamtemp push-in rtd temperature probe in steam-tight version (902830/30-302-2001-2-4,5-50-11-5000/000) | 16 | NOS | 40.04 | 640.60 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90251990 | 00662139- rtd temeperature probe for the food ahd pharmaceutical industry | 2 | NOS | 84.39 | 168.79 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90251990 | fimo oven thermometer (p.no:8700 22) | 1 | PCS | 5.17 | 5.17 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90251990 | p0026496- thermometer 1202 6572290100 0-120 c (gear motor parts) | 1 | PCS | 79.29 | 79.29 | finland |
22-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90251990 | 00471461- push-in rtd temperature probe with terminal head form b (data sheet: 902120 902120/30-412-2003-1-15-400/668/00 | 12 | NOS | 75.93 | 911.15 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90251990 | 00671916- screw-in rtd temperature probe with terminal head form j (data sheet 902030-902030/11-380-1003-1-6-330-104/330 | 1 | NOS | 113.44 | 113.44 | germany |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90251990 | sns asy eng exh temp thrml (sensor assembly engine exhaust temperature thermal) (dv6112b591ca) | 720 | PCS | 9.87 | 7103.56 | united kingdom |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90251990 | sns asy eng exh temp thrml (sensor assembly engine exhaust temperature thermal) (f1b112b591ea) | 720 | PCS | 9.22 | 6636.51 | united kingdom |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 90251990 | sensor-coolant temp 96815490 for motor vehicle (m300) (captive consumption) | 2300 | PCS | 1.08 | 2494.04 | korea,republic of |
22-Nov-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 90251990 | thermocouple | 2 | UNT | 136.92 | 273.84 | united states |
22-Nov-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 90251990 | tc.type k.extd | 9 | UNT | 195.46 | 1759.10 | united states |
22-Nov-2016 | hyderabad air cargo | 90251990 | assy,pcba,t2b,1.5 x .35,temp sensor,koolaid,rohs pn:42000173-01 | 2 | UNT | 3.58 | 7.17 | netherlands |