Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 90221300 import data and import data of products under 90221300 HS code. 90221300 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 90221300, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 20
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 90221300 | dc x-mind 230v cl 800 sat nm ral 9010(medical dental x-ray equipment)(aerb cert no.16-proceqptbulk-143029dt:12/11/2016) | 30 | NOS | 1005.01 | 30150.41 | italy |
20-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | (foc) dental portable x-ray unit complete set rextar x (s/n: rtx-1507-099)(for dentist hand carried & utilised for takin | 1 | SET | 1460.16 | 1460.16 | korea,republic of |
17-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90221300 | surgical dental use-rotograph-evo dig.pan only ce cd per dicom print-ddt n.c04354 del11/10/16.with std.accres asper.inv | 1 | UNT | 10464.63 | 10464.63 | italy |
17-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90221300 | surgical dental use - rtg evo d pan+ceph 220-240v s/n 16103559 ddt n.c04355 del 11/10/2016. with std.accres as per.inv | 1 | UNT | 15169.36 | 15169.36 | italy |
17-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90221300 | surgical dental use -rotograph opg 220-240v ce s/n 16100217ddt n.c04357 del 11/10/2016 . with std.accres as per.inv | 1 | UNT | 8610.75 | 8610.75 | italy |
17-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90221300 | surgical dental use -rotograph opg 220-240v ce s/n 16100218ddt n.c04359 del 11/10/2016 . with std.accres as per.inv | 1 | UNT | 8610.75 | 8610.75 | italy |
17-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 90221300 | surgical dental use -rotograph opg 220-240v ce s/n 16100219ddt n.c04360 del 11/10/2016 . with std.accres as per.inv | 1 | UNT | 8610.75 | 8610.75 | italy |
16-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 90221300 | for surgical dental use - rotograph evo pan2430+ceph2430 230v s/n 16093555 | 1 | SET | 9661.66 | 9661.66 | italy |
03-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90221300 | dental apparatus- giano 3d item no.70820000 sr no.70821028 | 1 | UNT | 13203.28 | 13203.28 | italy |
03-Nov-2016 | chennai air cargo | 90221300 | orthophos sl 3d (6466580) (dental equipment) | 2 | NOS | 40891.09 | 81782.18 | germany |
01-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | 10032016 planmeca promax 3d mid (dental x-ray unit) | 1 | PCS | 82250.01 | 82250.01 | finland |
01-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | 10029551 planmeca prox (intraoral dental x-ray unit) | 1 | PCS | 4079.72 | 4079.72 | finland |
01-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | 10012010 planmeca proone (dental digital x-ray imaging) | 1 | PCS | 11536.06 | 11536.06 | finland |
27-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | 10013761 planmeca romexis software (software for denatl x-ray unit) | 1 | PCS | 1777.39 | 1777.39 | finland |
27-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 90221300 | 10019566 planmeca promax 3d sl no: tpx360833 (dental x-ray unit) | 1 | PCS | 57032.80 | 57032.80 | finland |
25-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90221300 | e-40r hf xr05 0,3/0.6 monoblock(s/part for c-arm image intensifier ) | 1 | NOS | 5976.83 | 5976.83 | italy |
25-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 90221300 | orthophos sl 3d 6466580 | 1 | PCS | 26195.74 | 26195.74 | germany |
24-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90221300 | nomad pro2 x-ray system,gbl / part no.0.850.0025 (dental equipment)- aerb approval no.15-ta-53211 dtd.28.07.15 | 40 | SET | 2186.16 | 87446.42 | united states |
20-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 90221300 | gxdp-700sc with invivo & 3d workstation /part no-900567/sr no.ge1602506, ge1602507 (dental equipment with accesories)- a | 2 | SET | 57248.37 | 114496.75 | finland |
04-Oct-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 90221300 | 900651 cranex novus e ( dental equipment digital panoramic x-ray unit with standard accesories ) | 1 | PCS | 7132.26 | 7132.26 | finland |