Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 90211000 import data and import data of products under 90211000 HS code. 90211000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 90211000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 24
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | ankle support 1008-bg-l,m,s,xl (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl | 120 | PCS | 6.76 | 811.09 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | knee support 1021-bg-l,m (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 120 | PCS | 4.11 | 492.66 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 90211000 | crutches for handicap people item: meucc01 (for physically disable persons | 400 | UNT | 4.82 | 1929.41 | china |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | shoulder support 2072-bg-l,m,s (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 250 | PCS | 3.95 | 986.33 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | "motion control knee splint-length:20"" 4139-20-bu-f (ortho app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled)" | 20 | PCS | 28.89 | 577.78 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | shin support 1010-bg-l,m,s,xl (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 150 | PCS | 3.38 | 507.68 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | knee support 1023-bg-f (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 200 | PCS | 3.73 | 745.00 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | hinged knee stabilizer 1031-bg-l, m, s, xl, (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 300 | PCS | 11.59 | 3475.67 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | open patella knee support 2021-bg-l, m (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 200 | PCS | 2.05 | 410.55 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | knee support 2022-bg-l,m,s,xl (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl) | 5700 | PCS | 1.58 | 9018.13 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | abdominal binder 2060-bg-l,xl,xxl (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 250 | PCS | 6.17 | 1542.07 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | knee support 1024-bg-f (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 1500 | PCS | 4.11 | 6158.28 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | post-operative knee support 1032-bg-l,m,xl (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 120 | PCS | 12.63 | 1515.24 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | shoulder support 1072-bg-l,m,s,xl (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 35 | PCS | 8.21 | 287.39 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | wrist wrap 1083-bg-f (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl | 200 | PCS | 2.06 | 412.55 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | wrist/thumb support 1084-bg-l,m,s,xl (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 450 | PCS | 3.55 | 1599.65 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | wrist/thumb support 1088-bg-l,m (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl | 40 | PCS | 3.98 | 159.01 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | firm support stocking 2011-bg- m (ortho. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabled) | 50 | PRS | 4.28 | 213.79 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | knee support 2022-bg-xxl (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl) | 200 | PCS | 2.21 | 442.60 | taiwan |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 90211000 | lumbar sacro support 2064-bg-l-01, m-01, xl-01, xxl-01 (orth. app. trusses & rehabilitation aids for disabl | 300 | PCS | 11.93 | 3577.81 | taiwan |