Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 87149990 import data and import data of products under 87149990 HS code. 87149990 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 87149990, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ifd9000f)(15nf0003057)(front derailleur fd-9000)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:9527) | 1 | SET | 63.00 | 63.00 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ird9000ss)(25xx1000057)(rear derailleur,rd-9000,dura-ace)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:19824) | 1 | PCS | 131.17 | 131.17 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ifh9000dyslb)(23dz2003137)(rear freehub,fh-9000 dura-ace)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:29918) | 1 | PCS | 197.94 | 197.94 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ird9070ss)(25y81000047)(rear derailleur rd-9070 dura-ace)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:58716 | 1 | PCS | 388.51 | 388.51 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ifc9000cx04)(21n230000j7)(front chainwheel,fc-9000,dura-ace)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:52857) | 1 | SET | 349.74 | 349.74 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ifd6800f)(15p10003057)(front derailleur,fd-6800 ultegra)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:3759) | 2 | SET | 24.86 | 49.72 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(erdm310dl)(25w87200227)(rear derailleur,rd-m310-l)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:1463) | 20 | PCS | 9.71 | 194.23 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(erdty500d)(25yk3000027)(rear derailleur,rd-ty500)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:763) | 50 | PCS | 5.07 | 253.68 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(erdty300d)(25yj3000027)(rear derailleur,rd-ty300)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:693) | 100 | PCS | 4.58 | 457.73 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ifd5800bll)(15p80001057)(front derailleur,fd-5800-l-105)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:3094) | 1 | SET | 20.44 | 20.44 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ecshg2009132)(21y71320027)(cassette sprocket)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:1428) | 20 | PCS | 9.47 | 189.37 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ebbun26b13b)(21s1e123357)(cartridge bottom bracket)(bb-un26)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:868) | 10 | PCS | 5.74 | 57.42 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ebbun26b17x)(21s18100357)(cartridge bottom bracket)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:812) | 10 | PCS | 5.39 | 53.87 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ird4700gs)(25rf2000057)(rear derailleur,rd-4700 tiagra gs)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:3402) | 4 | PCS | 22.47 | 89.89 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(irdm781sgsl)(rear derailleur,rd-m781,deore xt)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:6902) | 2 | PCS | 45.63 | 91.26 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(irdm610sgsl)(250h3000057)(rear derailleur,rd-m610,deore,sgs)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:4109) | 2 | PCS | 27.18 | 54.36 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(icnhg60111116)(20be1161057)(bicycle chain,cn-hg601-11)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:2499) | 5 | PCS | 16.51 | 82.53 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(icn67001116)(209s1161057)(bicycle chain,cn-6701,ultegra)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:2576) | 5 | PCS | 17.01 | 85.06 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ismew90a)(27fe0001047)junction-a,sm-ew90-a,(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:9373) | 1 | PCS | 62.02 | 62.02 | japan |
22-Nov-2016 | bangalore | 87149990 | bicycle parts(ismbcr2)(27fj0001057)(battery charger,sm-bcr2,forsm-btr2)(item as per invoice)(mrp in inr:9156) | 1 | PCS | 60.55 | 60.55 | japan |