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HS Code 84824000 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84824000

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84824000 import data and import data of products under 84824000 HS code. 84824000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84824000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt25.1x30.1x13.8sag(1pcs=14 grams) 25740 PCS 0.62 15978.60 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt26x32x13.8smb(1pcs=18 grams) 660 PCS 0.78 512.47 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt28x34x16.8sb(1pcs=24 grams) 928 PCS 0.84 783.42 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt28x36x13.8sb(1pcs=28 grams) 3240 PCS 0.76 2453.51 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt30x38x15.8sb(1pcs=33 grams) 17760 PCS 0.82 14651.93 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt30x38x17.8smag(1pcs= 38grams) 384 PCS 0.99 380.08 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84824000 skf needle roller brg : a nkib 5903 (svb file no. s/9 204 gatt/89 gvc dt. 02/02/2015) 10 NOS 9.01 90.09 germany
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt22x29x13.8sb(1pcs= 19 grams) 4800 PCS 0.65 3120.43 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt26x31x13.8sb(1pcs=15 grams) 2160 PCS 0.63 1362.70 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt26x33x13.8sb(1pcs=23 grams) 660 PCS 0.76 499.79 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt28x36x16.8sb(1pcs=33 grams) 800 PCS 0.80 636.54 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 patparganj 84824000 needle roller bearing kt30x38x17.8sag(1pcs=38 grams) 4608 PCS 0.99 4560.97 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84824000 thrust needle ring (c64793) (part of rail brake system) (for captive consumption) 128 PCS 1.92 246.18 germany
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84824000 needle sleeve (c54985/a9) (part of rail brake system) (for captive consumption) 128 PCS 6.71 858.78 germany
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84824000 needle bearing (c95955) (part of rail brake system) (for captive consumption) 256 PCS 6.12 1565.84 germany
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84824000 sleeve freewheel (c64778) (part of rail brake system) (for captive consumption) 64 PCS 5.92 378.58 germany
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84824000 needle roller bearings (brand - khk) hf 1816 300 PCS 0.10 30.05 china
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84824000 needle roller bearings (brand - khk) hk 0709 oh 6000 PCS 0.02 120.19 china
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84824000 needle roller bearings (brand - khk) hk 1212 oh 5000 PCS 0.06 300.48 china
22-Nov-2016 kolkata sea 84824000 needle roller bearings (brand - khk) hk 1216-2rs 3000 PCS 0.07 210.34 china

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