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HS Code 84521011 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84521011

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84521011 import data and import data of products under 84521011 HS code. 84521011 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84521011, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
11-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 mini sewing machine electronic 4000 PCS 5.05 20200.00 china
09-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing machine double needle roller post bed (sd 9920) withstand and electric motor 2 UNT 353.50 707.00 china
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc with in-built motor mod:8280b (8280b) br:rajesh,aift:vn-in16/06/01284 dt 30.09.16 (household) 200 SET 54.51 10902.17 vietnam, democratic rep. of
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc with in-built motor mod:stitch+23(8380b)br: rajesh,aift:vn-in16/06/01284dt 30.09.16(household) 100 SET 55.57 5556.66 vietnam, democratic rep. of
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc with in-built motor mod:smarteee(ma20a-purple)br: rajesh,aift:vn-in16/06/01284dt 30.9.16(househo 100 SET 44.90 4489.61 vietnam, democratic rep. of
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc with in-built motor mod:smartee(ma20a-black)br: rajesh,aift:vn-in16/06/01284dt 30.9.16(household 200 SET 44.90 8979.22 vietnam, democratic rep. of
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc with in-built motor mod:magic(m20b-purple)br: himalya,aift:vn-in16/06/01284 dt30.9.16(household) 100 SET 48.69 4868.87 vietnam, democratic rep. of
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:8360(8360 violet) brand: rajesh. 100 SET 54.23 5423.13 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 super automatic sewing m/c with std acc model:8275(8275 violet) br: rajesh. 200 SET 50.00 9999.86 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 super automatic sewing m/c with std acc model:86c0 white(86c0 white) br: akash 75 SET 59.95 4496.42 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:8760(karishma-54) brand: vikrant 100 SET 56.04 5603.63 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 super automatic sewing m/c with std acc model:8575s(8575 violet) br: rajesh. 200 SET 54.01 10801.40 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:smart(83c0) brand: amol 100 SET 53.93 5392.54 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 super automatic sewing m/c with std acc model:femi touch (8575) br:amol 100 SET 54.98 5497.58 china
13-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 super automatic sewing m/c with std acc model:8390 (karishma-24)br:vikrant 100 SET 54.95 5494.52 china
09-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 spot removing gun 100 PCS 4.05 405.50 china
05-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:royal stitch (ma20a-purple) br: akash ,aift cert :vn-in16/06/01231 dt21.09.16 (household) 200 SET 45.04 9008.16 vietnam, democratic rep. of|
05-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:8080(m20b-violet) brand: rajesh ,aift cert no:vn-in16/06/01231 dt 21.09.16 (household) 100 SET 49.15 4915.41 vietnam, democratic rep. of|
05-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:designer stitch(m20b-violet) br:akash aift cert :vn-in16/06/01231 dt 21.09.16 (household) 200 SET 49.15 9830.83 vietnam, democratic rep. of|
05-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84521011 sewing m/c with std acc model:smarteee (ma20a-purple) br: rajesh ,aift cert:vn-in16/06/01231 dt21.09.16 (household) 100 SET 45.04 4504.08 vietnam, democratic rep. of|

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