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HS Code 84425039 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84425039

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84425039 import data and import data of products under 84425039 HS code. 84425039 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84425039, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
21-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84425039 wearing plate(spare parts for wire drawing machine) 3 PCS 36.56 109.67 germany
21-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84425039 wearing plate(spare parts for wire drawing machine) 1 PCS 79.73 79.73 germany
21-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84425039 wearing plate(spare parts for wire drawing machine) 11 PCS 47.67 524.42 germany
18-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 metal plate for printing holograms ( for captive consumption ) 2 NOS 1021.36 2042.73 russia
16-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84425039 suprasetter a106, external-drum computer to plate recorder. throughput at max. consist of prinect shooter software modul 1 SET 107351.47 107351.47 germany
15-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84425039 printing cylinder 2 PCS 911.11 1822.21 china
15-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84425039 part of screen printing machine(360-16 fronf silver 3bb) 5 NOS 3.67 18.35 china
15-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84425039 anilox ceramic printing roller,screen 800,1000,600,l/in x2.3 bcmxstd, 1.8,3.5,2.3 bcm 4unt 36 KGS 115.85 4170.65 united kingdom
14-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84425039 wearing plate(spare parts for wire drawing machine) 5 PCS 41.72 208.58 germany
14-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84425039 gs1201 vat printing cylinder incl repro 1 PCS 2398.27 2398.27 germany
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 660 l/in x 2.3 bcm -x std (ca18890) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 476.49 476.49 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 550l/in x 3.1 bcm xstd (ca18891) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 466.21 466.21 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 600 l/in x 2.7 bcmxstd (ca18892) (anilox roll) ) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 466.21 466.21 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 440 l/in x 3.35 bcm xstd (ca18893) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 454.66 454.66 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 440l/in x 3.35 bcm - (ca18894) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 454.66 454.66 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 800 l/in x 2.08 bcmxstd -(ca18895) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 488.05 488.05 united kingdom
10-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 84425039 screen 1100 l/in x 1.01bcmxstd (ca18896) (anilox roll) (printing machine parts) 1 PCS 520.16 520.16 united kingdom
09-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84425039 positive offset plates of aluminium (thickness:0.30mm) (sizes:1260x1660) (30sheets/ctn) 1372 KGS 3.21 4410.93 china
09-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84425039 positive offset plates of aluminium (thickness:0.30mm) (sizes:1040x1290) (30sheets/ctn) 1467 KGS 3.21 4715.46 china
09-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84425039 positive offset plates of aluminium (thickness:0.30mm) (sizes:820x1030) (50sheets/ctn) 600 KGS 3.21 1928.71 china

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