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HS Code 84322910 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84322910

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84322910 import data and import data of products under 84322910 HS code. 84322910 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84322910, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84322910 rotary hoes (agriculture goods ) filedstar 2000 PCS 0.41 812.11 china
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84322910 rotary hoes (agriculture goods ) filedstar h 2000 PCS 0.46 913.63 china
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84322910 rotary hoes (agriculture goods ) filedstar 1457 7000 PCS 0.91 6395.39 china
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 84322910 rotary hoes (agriculture goods ) filedstar gaurd 1466 14000 PCS 0.91 12790.78 china
21-Nov-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts for agri. harv. m/c :- rotary hoe cm. 66 (92190748)( 40 nos) 40 NOS 224.01 8960.59 italy
20-Sep-2016 dighi(pune) 84322910 parts, components required for manufacturer of rotary tiller: f05100016 - plug d.25 plt black 500 UNT 0.08 41.37 china
08-Sep-2016 patparganj 84322910 rotary hoe 66 cm (rotary no aa00526744) ()return exhibition goods) 1 PCS 367.01 367.01 india
08-Sep-2016 ludhiana 84322910 rotary hoe cm. 85 for 750 (921c0001) 5 NOS 554.98 2774.89 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,fixed joint wheels shaft. 3 NOS 4.08 12.23 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,rim z40. 3 NOS 15.74 47.23 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,ring ir 40x45x20. 3 NOS 6.48 19.44 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator, assembly fixtuse for engine support rtt3. 1 NOS 11.72 11.72 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivater,lister fixed +support for z2/z3. 32 NOS 7.03 224.97 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,rotary cuttercm64 for p70. 5 NOS 274.52 1372.58 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,tightening lever handlebar p70. 3 NOS 10.23 30.69 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator,bar clip. 5 NOS 0.94 4.70 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator, spring. 8 NOS 0.61 4.85 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator, pulley p70. 1 NOS 4.01 4.01 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculture cultivator, belt x10-662lp 6t40. 1 NOS 11.26 11.26 italy
19-Jun-2016 ludhiana 84322910 parts of hand operated agriculturecultivator, helical springfor p70. 10 NOS 0.99 9.94 italy

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