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HS Code 84286000 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84286000

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84286000 import data and import data of products under 84286000 HS code. 84286000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84286000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
31-Oct-2016 chennai air cargo 84286000 trachine machine zzc350--mobile traction machine with stdacc 3 PCS 1815.24 5445.72 china
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 4 SET 894.57 3578.28 united kingdom
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) rh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 7 SET 894.57 6261.99 united kingdom
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 4 SET 894.57 3578.28 united kingdom
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlift indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 1 SET 1252.40 1252.40 united kingdom
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) rh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 7 SET 894.57 6261.99 united kingdom
28-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlift indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 1 SET 1252.40 1252.40 united kingdom
24-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 dlstsoin130 (rh indoor stairlift) (stairlift use by physically disabled person 5 UNT 900.93 4504.66 united kingdom
24-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 dlstsoin130 (lh indoor stairlift) (stairlift use by physically disabled person 5 UNT 900.93 4504.66 united kingdom
20-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84286000 traction machine (model: wjc-1020-175) 1 UNT 1825.65 1825.65 china
20-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 4 SET 924.73 3698.91 united kingdom
20-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 84286000 traction machine (model: wty1-1250-100-h) 4 UNT 2768.90 11075.59 china
20-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) rh stairlifts indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 7 SET 924.73 6473.10 united kingdom
20-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoon130) rh stairlift outdoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 1 SET 1294.62 1294.62 united kingdom
14-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 escalino g1201 repair cost wheelchair stairclimbing assistive device for handicapped,dasabled,sisk & old(re-imports 1 UNT 457.09 457.09 germany
06-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlift (indoor new with hinged rail) (stairlift for physically disabled person) 1 SET 1266.69 1266.69 united kingdom
06-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) rh stairlift indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 6 SET 909.98 5459.88 united kingdom
06-Oct-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) lh stairlift indoor (stairlift for physically disabled person) 5 SET 909.98 4549.90 united kingdom
28-Sep-2016 chennai air cargo 84286000 dlstsoin130 rh stairlift - indoor new (for use byphysically handicaped person) 2 SET 1501.84 3003.68 united kingdom
20-Sep-2016 delhi air cargo 84286000 (dlstsoin130) rh stairlift indoor new (stairlift for physically disabled person) 3 SET 998.81 2996.43 united kingdom

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