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HS Code 84229090 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 84229090

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 84229090 import data and import data of products under 84229090 HS code. 84229090 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 84229090, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 base plate vs32-l pos.7 (1300030007) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 3 NOS 420.02 1260.07 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 needle sleeve vs32-l pos.17 (1300030017) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 19.59 19.59 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 needle sleeve vs32-l pos.19 (1300030019) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 18.15 18.15 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 rocker vs32-l pos.37 (1300030037) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 415.09 415.09 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 needle sleeve vs32-l pos.40 (1300030040) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 14.96 14.96 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 clamping holder vs32-l pos.45 (1300030045) (spare parts foritipack strapping machine) 2 NOS 520.98 1041.96 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 threaded pin vs32-l pos.53 (1300030053) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 0.10 0.10 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 shim ring vs32-l pos.54 (1300030054) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 1 NOS 1.23 1.23 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 du-bushing vs32-l pos.333 (1300030333) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 2 NOS 11.73 23.46 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 sealing ring vs32-l pos.349 (1300030349) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 2 NOS 12.19 24.39 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 sealing ring vs32-l pos.422 (1300030422) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 4 NOS 10.70 42.81 italy
22-Nov-2016 kolkata air cargo 84229090 sealing ring vs32-l pos.332 (1300030332) (spare parts for itipack strapping machine) 2 NOS 27.34 54.69 italy
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 84229090 pwm vibrator pcb -part of cvc bottle packing machine 1 PCS 4592.42 4592.42 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 84229090 cylinder ptm -part of cvc bottle packing machine 12 PCS 318.98 3827.77 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 84229090 memory flap buffer strip/silicon foam -part of cvc bottle packing machine 6 PCS 91.45 548.72 taiwan
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84229090 301265120260 lift magnet reversible drive 1 PCS 802.94 802.94 germany
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 84229090 e89404255001600 change over for tthe shrink packer, innopack - psp a-m 1 UNT 66442.70 66442.70 germany
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84229090 (spare parts for labelling machine) damper, 0-179-90-183-0 (qty : 124 pcs, unit price : 0.41) 0.2 KGS 298.15 59.63 thailand
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84229090 (spare parts for labelling machine) sealing disk, 1-126-50-183-0 (qty : 124 pcs, 1.66) 0.4 KGS 603.57 241.43 thailand
22-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 84229090 (spare parts for labelling machine) bridge, 1-125-52-148-0 (qty : 15 pcs, unit price : 7.98) 0.3 KGS 467.98 140.39 thailand

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