Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 78060010 import data and import data of products under 78060010 HS code. 78060010 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 78060010, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 9
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
17-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 78060010 | 44192 lb 8115-01 flange mounted shielding 159 mm diameter for insertion sources for steel rope or flexible shaft for mou | 2 | PCS | 2867.48 | 5734.97 | germany |
17-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 78060010 | 44192 lb 8115-01 flange mounted shielding 159 mm diameter for insertion sources for steel rope or flexible shaft for mou | 1 | PCS | 2867.48 | 2867.48 | germany |
28-Aug-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 78060010 | lb-7440d cr locable shielding for point souce as per inv.2no,s @1049/unit.(parts& accessories for 2no,s density gauge) | 30 | KGS | 80.17 | 2405.16 | germany |
25-Aug-2016 | delhi air cargo | 78060010 | 37624 lb 7440 d-cr lockable shielding for point source approx 160 mm corrosion resistant design(spares for m/c)cap cons | 3 | NOS | 1754.00 | 5262.00 | germany |
21-Aug-2016 | banglore air cargo | 78060010 | (miscellaneous bb 1.7-3) bebig type-a-packaging bb 1.7-3 2.0 | 1 | PCS | 134.41 | 134.41 | germany |
24-Apr-2016 | bombay air cargo | 78060010 | cf18-t contenitore schermato in tungsten o per il trasporto di 1 flacone cf18-t tungsten shielded container for vial tra | 10 | NOS | 1681.16 | 16811.57 | italy |
24-Apr-2016 | bombay air cargo | 78060010 | valigia esterna di tipo a per transporto wjjp type a external case for fdg transport with cf18-t container commessa-v160 | 10 | NOS | 680.90 | 6808.99 | italy |
10-Mar-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 78060010 | 21879 transport shielding acc. drg 21253.001 dia 130mm length 622mm 2nos 28682 pos rod | 1 | NOS | 1963.50 | 1963.50 | germany |
26-Feb-2016 | bombay air cargo | 78060010 | 37624 lb 7440 d-cr lockable shielding for point source approx 160 mm corrosion resistant design | 1 | PCS | 1172.23 | 1172.23 | germany |