Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 78019100 import data and import data of products under 78019100 HS code. 78019100 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 78019100, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 137
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead blocks | 60.421 | MTS | 1999.80 | 120829.92 | malaysia |
21-Nov-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 23.3701 | MTS | 2041.71 | 47715.08 | united arab emirates |
21-Nov-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 27.2699 | MTS | 2041.71 | 55677.36 | united arab emirates |
20-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots/bullion(korea-india comprehensive economic partnership agreement ref no:k049-16-0756216 dt:13.10.16) | 100300 | KGS | 2.03 | 204048.98 | korea,republic of |
18-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (49.68 mts @ unit price 2316.70 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16- 0817504) | 49683 | KGS | 2.30 | 114223.97 | korea,republic of |
18-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (49.84 mts @ unit price 2316.70 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16- 0817502) | 49844 | KGS | 2.30 | 114594.12 | korea,republic of |
10-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (58.75 mts @ unit price 2,221.54 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16-0774654 ) | 58751 | KGS | 2.24 | 131822.87 | korea,republic of |
09-Nov-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead blocks | 65.068 | MTS | 2070.50 | 134723.29 | korea,republic of |
07-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (60.97 mts @ unit price 2,221.54 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16-0775091 ) | 60968 | KGS | 2.24 | 136696.10 | korea,republic of |
31-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 9.3437 | MTS | 1956.37 | 18279.73 | united arab emirates |
31-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead blocks | 49.057 | MTS | 2365.42 | 116040.40 | australia |
31-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 2.2346 | MTS | 1956.37 | 4371.70 | united arab emirates |
31-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 4.7422 | MTS | 1956.37 | 9277.50 | united arab emirates |
31-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead ingots | 33.2995 | MTS | 1956.37 | 65146.14 | united arab emirates |
30-Oct-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (160.55 mts @ unit price 2,221.54 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16-0766423 ) | 160553 | KGS | 2.24 | 360241.66 | korea,republic of |
30-Oct-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots (min purity 99.99 pct) (160.55 mts @ unit price 2,221.54 usd) ( kicepa no: k001-16-0766423 ) | 160553 | KGS | 2.24 | 360241.66 | korea,republic of |
24-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 78019100 | pure lead ( samples uncleared cargo at orgin )( re-import ) | 0.68 | KGS | 2.62 | 1.78 | india |
24-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 78019100 | cos alloy ( samples uncleared cargo at orgin )( re-import ) | 0.66 | KGS | 2.63 | 1.73 | india |
20-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 78019100 | antimonial lead blocks | 44.065 | MTS | 2074.83 | 91427.59 | korea,republic of |
19-Oct-2016 | chennai sea | 78019100 | lead ingots/bullion (asean-india fta ref:kl-2016-ai-21-012367 dt:10.10.16) | 214500 | KGS | 2.07 | 444122.25 | malaysia |