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HS Code 49070020 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 49070020

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 49070020 import data and import data of products under 49070020 HS code. 49070020 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 49070020, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (usd) 100x2000 rbi lic. dt. 13.04.2016 200000 NOS 1.01 202404.00 united arab emirates
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 49070020 foreign currencies (bank notes) as per invoice. rbi permission dt:04.07.2016 12.5 KGS 42294.41 528680.15 united arab emirates
22-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 49070020 foreign currencies (bank notes) as per invoice. rbi permission dt:27.06.2016 19 KGS 33044.50 627845.59 singapore
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (gbp) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (50 x 1140 1140 NOS 62.51 71265.90 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (aud) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (100 x 600 600 NOS 74.34 44601.60 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 chennai air cargo 49070020 foreign currencies (bank notes) as per invoice. rbi permission dt:01.09.2016 11.5 KGS 63179.71 726566.62 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (zar) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (100 x 500 500 NOS 7.06 3529.00 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (thb) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (1000 x 16200; 500 x 3000; 100 x 3000 22200 NOS 23.19 514722.53 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (jpy) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (10000 x 400 400 NOS 91.44 36577.63 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (usd) 100x3700 rbi ltr 4698/18.07.03 (misc)2016-17 dt. 04.11.2016 370000 NOS 1.01 374073.70 united states
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (sgd) 100x700,50x300 ltr 4698/18.07.03 (misc)2016-17 dt. 04.11.2016 85000 NOS 0.71 60457.72 united states
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (hkd) 1000x100,500x300 ltr 4698/18.07.03 (misc)2016-17 dt. 04.11.2016 250000 NOS 0.13 32664.91 united states
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (thb) 1000x6800 ltr 4698/18.07.03 (misc)2016-17 dt. 04.11.2016 6800000 NOS 0.03 195669.32 united states
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank note currency: (cny) 100x2451,50x98 ltr 4698/18.07.03 (misc)2016-17 dt. 04.11.2016 250000 NOS 0.15 36700.62 united states
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (cad) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (100 x 740 740 NOS 75.28 55709.60 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (sgd) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (100 x 3500; 50 x 2000 5500 NOS 58.06 319350.76 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (sek) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (1000 x 8; 500 x 64 72 NOS 60.86 4381.77 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (chf) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (100 x 280 280 NOS 100.51 28142.10 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (aed) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (1000 x 800; 500 x 1000 1800 NOS 198.68 357619.50 united arab emirates
21-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 49070020 bank notes (hkd) rbi ltr / 18.07.03 (misc15-16 dt.: 15/06/16 (1000 x 100; 500 x 500; 100 x 1000 1600 NOS 36.72 58751.30 united arab emirates

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