Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 48119011 import data and import data of products under 48119011 HS code. 48119011 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 48119011, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
20-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | texon brand insole sheets (for footwear) (7250 sheets) | 9449 | KGS | 1.81 | 17115.81 | germany |
14-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | sawascreen 8702 100 % polybutylene terephthalate calanderedwith paper - part no: 1710311999 (qty: 8 rolls) | 2521 | KGS | 5.46 | 13766.84 | germany |
14-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | sawascreen 8702 100 % polybutylene terephthalate calanderedwith paper - part no: 1710311999 (qty: 7 rolls) | 1946 | KGS | 5.46 | 10631.06 | germany |
14-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | sawascreen 8703 100 % polybutylene terephthalate calanderedwith paper - part no: 1710308999 (qty: 8 rolls) | 2978 | KGS | 5.67 | 16870.41 | germany |
31-Oct-2016 | chennai sea | 48119011 | medical paper gas paper 60hs printed rusch sterile, width410 mm (139064 mtr / 0.08279) (printed paper for packing) | 3420.974 | KGS | 3.82 | 13065.63 | finland |
26-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 48119011 | 612484801 paper-calibration/reference(calibration paper) (spare parts for ticket vending machine) | 60 | NOS | 19.35 | 1161.17 | china |
12-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of mix printed paper | 9.3 | MTS | 354.81 | 3299.73 | united states |
05-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of printed paper/board | 25.89 | MTS | 357.75 | 9262.10 | belgium| |
22-Sep-2016 | ahmedabad | 48119011 | ptda002 pkg120-800915 double sided tape 30mm (200 roll @ 1.85 usd) | 38 | KGS | 13.35 | 507.28 | china |
22-Sep-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of colored paper | 8.68 | MTS | 354.28 | 3075.17 | united states |
21-Sep-2016 | bombay air cargo | 48119011 | book binding material (paper based)108 cm, buckram premium 29012, 242012110892 (qty-200 mtr) | 48 | KGS | 23.29 | 1117.72 | netherlands |
19-Sep-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stocklot of printed and unprinted silicon paper in rolls(mix size and gsm) | 23.17604 | MTS | 358.27 | 8303.24 | united states |
16-Sep-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of printed paper | 11.2 | MTS | 354.28 | 3967.97 | united states |
14-Sep-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of printed paper | 8.3 | MTS | 353.50 | 2934.05 | united states |
13-Sep-2016 | banglore air cargo | 48119011 | ecorel wombati serie 1 color blue-ecw16505 | 1000 | MTR | 3.07 | 3068.12 | united states |
11-Sep-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stock lot of color paper | 9.8 | MTS | 352.72 | 3456.65 | united states |
25-Aug-2016 | chennai sea | 48119011 | medical paper gas paper 60hs printed rusch sterile, width410 mm (146200 mtr / 0.08279) (printed paper for packing) | 3596.52 | KGS | 3.81 | 13686.52 | finland |
18-Aug-2016 | tughlakabad | 48119011 | stocklot of printed and unprinted silicon paper in rolls(mix size and gsm) | 25.065 | MTS | 354.41 | 8883.36 | united states |
10-Aug-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | 0870203140k01584 sawascreen 100% polybutylene terephthalatecalandered with paper | 2503.5 | KGS | 5.43 | 13599.91 | germany |
10-Aug-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48119011 | 0870203140k01585 sawascreen 100% polybutylene terephthalatecalandered with paper | 2210 | KGS | 5.43 | 12002.46 | germany |