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HS Code 48102200 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 48102200

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 48102200 import data and import data of products under 48102200 HS code. 48102200 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 48102200, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 lwc paper in reels 60 gsm 60.786 MTS 772.99 46986.91 japan
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 lwc paper in reels 60-64 gsm 59.862 MTS 772.99 46272.98 japan
22-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 lwc paper in reels 60 gsm 20.918 MTS 604.24 12639.45 finland
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels, gsm - 65 (rni no.738/57) 19988 KGS 0.73 14535.27 italy
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels gsm-60 (rni no.7044/1961) 18004 KGS 0.81 14591.74 finland
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 48102200 lwc gloss (light weight coated paper gloss) (width 101.0cm) (diam 100.0cm) 154764 KGS 0.76 117186.84 finland
21-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 light wt coated paper in reels of 51 gsm width 1624 mm 48631 KGS 0.63 30746.23 germany
17-Nov-2016 mundra 48102200 "lwc paepr in reels size: 18-60"" gsm: 57-67, rni no-harhin/2004/12531" 155.11 MTS 531.67 82467.27 united states
17-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 light weight coated paper, upm star h in reels (65 gsm) forcaptive consumption 9.082 MTS 799.60 7261.95 finland
17-Nov-2016 chennai sea 48102200 lwc gloss paper in reel ( 54.2 gsm) ( rni no: tntam/2014/57168) 40.36 MTS 695.16 28056.67 united kingdom
17-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels gsm 65 (rni no. 738/57) 19587 KGS 0.73 14243.67 italy
17-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 light weight coated paper (54.2 gsm) (807mmx17300m) for captive consumption 18.161 MTS 709.55 12886.22 japan
17-Nov-2016 tughlakabad 48102200 light weight coated paper, upm star h in reels (65 gsm) forcaptive consumption 8.397 MTS 799.60 6714.22 finland
17-Nov-2016 mangalore sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels 65 gsm 34782 KGS 0.83 28997.86 finland
17-Nov-2016 mangalore sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels 65 gsm 34112 KGS 0.83 28439.28 finland
16-Nov-2016 mangalore sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels 65gsm/76mm 4285 KGS 0.86 3665.41 finland
16-Nov-2016 mangalore sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels 65gsm/76mm 14170 KGS 0.86 12121.07 finland
16-Nov-2016 kottayam 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels for printing magazines 65gsm width 760mm dia 1000mm 48029 KGS 0.79 37851.71 finland
15-Nov-2016 chennai sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels for magazines printing54gsm width 760mm dia1000mm core76mm. 24945 KGS 0.80 19907.18 germany
15-Nov-2016 tuticorin sea 48102200 light weight coated paper in reels 25011 KGS 0.34 8429.95 united states

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