Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 44092910 import data and import data of products under 44092910 HS code. 44092910 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 44092910, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 20
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
13-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm natural (828mtr @ usd 6/mtr) | 11676.92 | KGS | 0.48 | 5605.78 | china |
13-Oct-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm gunstock (342mtr @ usd 6/mtr) | 4823.08 | KGS | 0.48 | 2315.43 | china |
21-Sep-2016 | bangalore | 44092910 | nwf-wooden flooring | 1939 | PCS | 1.19 | 2298.84 | indonesia |
13-Sep-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm coffee (389.5sqm @ usd 6.00/sqm) | 5156.64 | KGS | 0.51 | 2632.09 | china |
13-Sep-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm dark gunstock (406.05 sqm @ usd 6.00/sqm) | 5394.27 | KGS | 0.51 | 2743.29 | china |
13-Sep-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm gunstock (372.60 sqm @ usd 6.00/sqm) | 4919.04 | KGS | 0.51 | 2517.30 | china |
13-Sep-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm red wine (351.00 sqm @ usd 6.00/sqm) | 4633.84 | KGS | 0.51 | 2371.38 | china |
13-Sep-2016 | kolkata sea | 44092910 | solid hardwood flooring 18x125x300-1200mm cognac (330.65 sqm @ usd 6.00/sqm) | 4396.21 | KGS | 0.51 | 2233.89 | china |
26-Aug-2016 | mundra | 44092910 | teak finger joint(laminated)(ai no.yoai-0039/2016 dt:03.08.16)(cft:506.000383 pcs:380) | 14.3282 | CBM | 1510.07 | 21636.60 | myanmar |
15-May-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | solid wood flooring design: teak fjl, 3-strips t&g 4 sides (sqm :400.22), aifta no.0037190/sby/2016 | 5703.12 | KGS | 1.67 | 9500.04 | indonesia |
15-May-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | solid wood flooring design: merbau, t&g 4 sides (sqm : 200.48),aifta no.0037190/sby/2016 | 2856.83 | KGS | 2.06 | 5896.78 | indonesia |
15-May-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | solid wood flooring design: merbau fjl, 3-strips t&g 4 sides(sqm :250.35), aifta no.0037190/sby/2016 | 3567.47 | KGS | 1.52 | 5425.82 | indonesia |
06-Apr-2016 | cochin sea | 44092910 | hand gazebo | 75 | SQM | 32.41 | 2430.38 | indonesia |
06-Apr-2016 | cochin sea | 44092910 | shingles | 100 | PCS | 17.45 | 1744.89 | indonesia |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | "internal door components cor.agg. optima triang grande n.5 2200x50x39.6 ajous 1fr. 10.4x10 m. 10x10 /// ""triangular""" | 170.72 | KGS | 6.67 | 1138.88 | italy |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | internal door components cor.agg optima triang grande n.5 2200x50x39.6 ajous 1fr. 10.4x10 m. 10x10 /// | 242.5 | KGS | 6.98 | 1692.35 | italy |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | internal door components stipo r02 3020x150x40 list abe s/g al 25 b 31x11 /// flat jumb 3020x150x40 solid wood without | 418.82 | KGS | 2.69 | 1124.80 | italy |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | internal door components stipo r02 2440x150x40 list abe. s/g al25 b 31x11 /// flat jamb 2440x150x40 solid wood without | 3329.01 | KGS | 2.49 | 8277.24 | italy |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | internal door components cpf p65 2490x65x10 mulal. 24 s/fr. /// flat cover moulding 2490x65x10 plywood wing 24mm | 635.35 | KGS | 5.33 | 3386.07 | italy |
31-Mar-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 44092910 | internal door components imbottee 2440x150x16 mul c/2fr. 18.5x4.5 riv. 3l /// wall adaptor 2440x150x16 plywood 3 side | 894.2 | KGS | 3.28 | 2932.71 | italy |