Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 44081010 import data and import data of products under 44081010 HS code. 44081010 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 44081010, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 61
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | face veneer (in) (g-d) (141.8825 cbm) | 153950 | KGS | 0.49 | 75233.13 | myanmar |
22-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | face veneer (in) (g-d) (56.7530 cbm) | 61100 | KGS | 0.49 | 30093.31 | myanmar |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | face veneers [gurjan-kanyin] [fta no.yai-2701/2016 dt.18.11.16] | 30.386 | CBM | 636.30 | 19334.61 | myanmar |
21-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | veneer for plywood thickness 0.25 mm (38.1 cbm) | 27000 | KGS | 0.49 | 13236.41 | china |
21-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | veneer assorted grade various length breadth and thickness as per invoice fta no:16110040 dt 08/11/2016 | 261.422 | TON | 454.50 | 118816.30 | lao people's democratic republic |
20-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | face veneers [gurjan-kanyin] [ fta no.yai-2871/2016 / 07.11.2016] | 46.3073 | CBM | 636.30 | 29465.34 | myanmar |
18-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | c veneer for plywood (thickness 0.22 mm) (89.58 cbm) | 49750 | KGS | 0.63 | 31453.70 | china |
15-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | kanyin face veneer (thickness- 0.25 mm) (cbm 69.0606) | 56708.1875 | KGS | 0.70 | 39500.14 | myanmar |
15-Nov-2016 | mundra | 44081010 | veneer assorted grade | 154340 | KGS | 0.45 | 70147.53 | lao people's democratic republic |
15-Nov-2016 | mundra | 44081010 | veneer assorted grade | 148446 | KGS | 0.45 | 67468.71 | lao people's democratic republic |
09-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | veneer down grade [fta no.0004137/bjm/2016 dated 21.10.16] | 32.3875 | CBM | 555.50 | 17991.26 | indonesia |
09-Nov-2016 | mundra | 44081010 | veneer assorted grade | 22900 | KGS | 0.45 | 10408.05 | lao people's democratic republic |
06-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | core veneer [fta no.vn-in16/01/08439 dated 21.10.2016] | 178.208 | CBM | 208.92 | 37230.39 | vietnam, democratic rep. of |
06-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | kanyin [gurjan] face veneers [dry] [fta no.yai-2694/2016 dt.14.10.2016] | 93.3137 | CBM | 701.83 | 65490.42 | myanmar |
04-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 44081010 | face veneers [gurjan-kanyin] [fta no.yai-2763/2016 dated 24.10.2016] | 45.7453 | CBM | 635.83 | 29086.21 | myanmar |
04-Nov-2016 | nagpur | 44081010 | keruing face veneer size: 2.44m x 1.22m, 2.14m x 1.22m, 1.84m x 1.22m, 1.84m x 0.92m | 22.5 | MTS | 454.16 | 10218.69 | lao people's democratic republic |
03-Nov-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | kanyin face veneer (thickness:- 0.25 mm) (cbm 27.5087) | 28561 | KGS | 0.52 | 14714.52 | myanmar |
28-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | face veneer (kanyin) (g-c) (thickness: 0.25 mm) (56.4687 cbm) | 61270 | KGS | 0.72 | 43915.74 | myanmar |
28-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | face veneer (kanyin) (g-c) (thickness: 0.25 mm) (56.4687 cbm) | 61270 | KGS | 0.72 | 43915.74 | myanmar |
27-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 44081010 | veneer for plywood (thickness: 0.28 mm) (31.5 cbm) | 27000 | KGS | 0.41 | 11180.70 | china |