Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 38089910 import data and import data of products under 38089910 HS code. 38089910 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 38089910, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | emamectin benzoate tech.95% w/w min(cib no.cir-1976/2016(367)-emamectin benzoate(t)-12(c.o.cert:b163716005300003 | 5800 | KGS | 141.40 | 820120.00 | china |
04-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech)[cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.](ap | 10000 | KGS | 372.62 | 3726161.92 | china |
02-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 38089910 | deltamethrin aef032640-pu-02 (analytical standards) (n.c.v) (cib reg. no.cir(e)-3527/2007(284)-deltamethrin (t)-181 | 0.005 | KGS | 44556.62 | 222.78 | germany |
27-Oct-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | vectobac 12as(bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis)cib reg no.54/2002(219)-bascillus thuriengiens var israelensis stai | 16050 | KGS | 5.00 | 80264.70 | united states |
20-Oct-2016 | chennai sea | 38089910 | delfin wg bacillus thuringensis berlinar var kurstaki (bio pesticide) | 2100 | KGS | 18.25 | 38319.40 | united states |
14-Oct-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | dipel 8l (bacillus thurigiensis var kurstaki)cib reg no.cir-28,804/98/bacillus thu ringiensis(e s)-37) | 5676 | KGS | 6.27 | 35572.20 | united states |
14-Oct-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech)[cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.](ap | 10000 | KGS | 372.89 | 3728920.00 | china |
05-Oct-2016 | tughlakabad | 38089910 | bacticide-bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis strain-164serotype h-14(1445flc-20-2016 dt 15.7.16) mfg by sibbiopharm | 15000 | KGS | 5.48 | 82179.66 | russia| |
04-Oct-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | chlorpyrifos 97% tc (third country export) | 20000 | KGS | 4.04 | 80800.00 | china |
15-Sep-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 10000 | KGS | 318.54 | 3185405.98 | china |
08-Sep-2016 | bombay air cargo | 38089910 | (value for custom purpose only) bti technical powder strain (reg no.cir-54/2002(219)- bascillus thuriengiens var israele | 7 | GMS | 14.75 | 103.22 | united states |
08-Sep-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 2057 | KGS | 317.84 | 653790.50 | china |
08-Sep-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 7943 | KGS | 317.84 | 2524578.50 | china |
01-Sep-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 5000 | KGS | 317.13 | 1585673.78 | china |
01-Sep-2016 | bombay air cargo | 38089910 | stop & go anti-marten spray highly efficient odour concentrate ( used on the car engines wires for cleaning purpose) | 30 | PCS | 87.27 | 2618.19 | germany |
31-Aug-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | bisoft duo (1000 kg) (sa0018482) | 1000 | KGS | 0.81 | 808.84 | belgium |
31-Aug-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 38089910 | peracid liquid (1000 kg) without (sa0038892) | 3000 | KGS | 0.86 | 2583.06 | belgium |
25-Aug-2016 | chennai air cargo | 38089910 | fluorescent tracking dust (1x100g) (25 ea) ft65 | 104 | KGS | 3.27 | 340.14 | united kingdom |
19-Aug-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 10000 | KGS | 317.84 | 3178369.00 | china |
19-Aug-2016 | baroda | 38089910 | d15269700 rynaxypyr tech (chlorantraniliprole tech) [cib cert. reg.no. cir-878/2008 (292)chlorantraniliprole (t) - 1.] | 489.6 | KGS | 317.84 | 155612.95 | china |