Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 37029711 import data and import data of products under 37029711 HS code. 37029711 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 37029711, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 33
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
12-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1737279 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 35mm 5222 bh u 400 dxn718- unexpsoed (14 pcs) | 1706.88 | MTR | 0.46 | 776.73 | united states |
28-Sep-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1337740 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 35mm 5213 200t bh u 400 sp718- unexpsoed (07 pcs) | 853.44 | MTR | 1.06 | 906.20 | united states |
28-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8646192 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7213 200t p1 t wnb 400 sp457 unexpsoed (10 pcs) | 1219.2 | MTR | 0.48 | 585.46 | united states |
28-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8003642 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7203 prf1 t wnd-b400 sp457 - unexpsoed (10 pcs) | 1219.2 | MTR | 0.42 | 514.48 | united states |
28-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8676264 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7207 250d p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (10 pcs) | 1219.2 | MTR | 0.55 | 676.29 | united states |
18-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1252709 - cine color negative film (1000ft) - rl 35mm 5219 500t bh u 1000 sp718 - unexpsoed (06 pcs) | 1828.8 | MTR | 0.95 | 1738.61 | united states |
18-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1982511 - cine color negative film (1000ft) - rl 35mm 5222 bh u 1000 dxn718 - unexpsoed (08 pcs) | 2438.4 | MTR | 0.45 | 1105.52 | united states |
07-Aug-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8738304 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 35mm 5219 500t bh u 400 sp718 - unexpsoed (20 pcs) | 2438.4 | MTR | 0.95 | 2318.14 | united states |
19-Jun-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1876580 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7219 500t p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (10 pcs) | 1219.2 | MTR | 0.55 | 673.24 | united states |
19-Jun-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8646192 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7213 200t p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (15 pcs) | 1828.8 | MTR | 0.48 | 874.33 | united states |
13-Jun-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8738304 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 35mm 5219 500t bh u 400 sp718 - unexpsoed (50 pcs) | 6096 | MTR | 0.94 | 5748.69 | united states |
23-May-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 8646192 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7213 200t p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (34 pcs) | 4145.28 | MTR | 0.48 | 1981.80 | united states |
23-May-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1876580 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7219 500t p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (6 pcs) | 731.52 | MTR | 0.55 | 403.94 | united states |
12-Apr-2016 | bombay air cargo | 37029711 | 1876590 - cine color negative film (400ft) - rl 16mm 7219 500t p1 twnb 400 sp457 - unexposed (20 pcs) - pre packaged go | 2438.4 | MTR | 0.56 | 1357.45 | united states |