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HS Code 29391900 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 29391900

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 29391900 import data and import data of products under 29391900 HS code. 29391900 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 29391900, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
21-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 ep-y0001135_raloxifene for peak identification (10 mg) 3 NOS 88.48 265.43 france
16-Nov-2016 delhi air cargo 29391900 10-ketonaloxone base ars 0.0mg 1E-05 KGS 102136257.40 1021.36 united states
16-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 naloxone hcl hp usp - d253959 - gmid 395474 - ir00001 250 GMS 10.94 2735.48 france
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 carbamat noroxymorphone (lot no.pegli-01-29) (foc: sample for test & analysis only) (ddci lic 25 MGS 35.10 877.59 switzerland
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 8-hydroxy-noroxymorphone (lot no.nk-02-060e) (foc: sample for test & analysis only) (ddci lic 25 MGS 105.31 2632.77 switzerland
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 3-o-sulfonyl-noroxymorphone (lot no.nk-02-049-e3) (foc: sample for test & analysis only) (ddci lic 25 MGS 21.06 526.55 switzerland
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 14-hydroxynormorphinone (lot no.022-049.01) (foc: sample for test & analysis only) (ddci lic 25 MGS 105.31 2632.77 switzerland
16-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 diacetyl-noroxymorphone carbamate (carbamat doam) (lot (foc: sample for test & analysis) 25 MGS 21.06 526.55 switzerland
15-Nov-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29391900 naloxone hydrochloride 100 GMS 22.56 2256.07 france
15-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 ep-y0001134_raloxifene hydrochloride (110 mg) 2 NOS 91.93 183.87 france
15-Nov-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 ep-y0001135_raloxifene for peak identification (10 mg) 3 NOS 91.93 275.80 france
14-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 noroxymorphone 58.95 KGS 3030.00 178618.50 hungary
09-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 methadone hydrochloride bp (central bureau of narcotics import certificate no.n-imp-63/2016 dt.17.08.2016) 78.75 KGS 349.69 27538.09 portugal
09-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 methadone hydrochloride bp (central bureau of narcotics import certificate no.n-imp-63/2016 dt.17.08.2016) 21.25 KGS 349.69 7430.91 portugal
01-Nov-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 noroxymorphone 105.35 KGS 3030.00 319210.50 hungary
21-Oct-2016 hyderabad air cargo 29391900 noscapine crude 95% 500 KGS 422.73 211365.30 iran
20-Oct-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 n7758-250mg naloxone hydrochloride [organic chemical] 1 NOS 120.87 120.87 united states
17-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 noroxymorphone 83.45 KGS 3030.00 252853.50 hungary
17-Oct-2016 banglore air cargo 29391900 usp-1598201_raloxifene hydrochloride - (200 mg) 1 NOS 203.12 203.12 united states
13-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 29391900 naloxone hydrochloride, batch no. 15-00661, test lic dt. 04.05.2016 0.25 KGS 4657.11 1164.28 united kingdom

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