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HS Code 27149010 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 27149010

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 27149010 import data and import data of products under 27149010 HS code. 27149010 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 27149010, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 shilajit stone 26000 KGS 1.02 26555.43 china
18-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.91 32804.84 united states
07-Nov-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 2000 KGS 1.50 2992.68 japan
03-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.93 33305.50 united states
26-Oct-2016 pithampur 27149010 raw materials for producing tires blown asphalt ws27 1000 KGS 1.48 1483.87 japan
19-Oct-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 shilajit stone 10000 KGS 0.82 8170.90 somaalia
09-Oct-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 1500 KGS 1.51 2261.43 japan
22-Sep-2016 pithampur 27149010 raw materials for producing tires blown asphalt ws27 800 KGS 1.50 1201.64 japan
08-Sep-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 2000 KGS 1.47 2943.51 japan
31-Aug-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 1500 KGS 1.47 2205.05 japan
29-Aug-2016 cochin sea 27149010 natural asphalt (gilsonite) 19.68 MTS 286.27 5633.84 iran
23-Aug-2016 pithampur 27149010 raw materials for producing tires blown asphalt ws27 500 KGS 1.47 735.02 japan
17-Aug-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 1500 KGS 1.45 2177.53 japan
10-Aug-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.93 33313.56 united states
07-Aug-2016 pune-talegoan icd 27149010 raw material for product tires ws27 blown asphalt 1500 KGS 1.42 2137.15 japan
26-Jul-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 shilajit stone (made in china) 6480 KGS 1.02 6623.28 iran
25-Jul-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.93 33306.73 united states
30-Jun-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.93 33368.24 united states
22-Jun-2016 nhava sheva sea 27149010 unox hard asphalt 4138 (par 100lb cartons) (79200 lbs ) 35925 KGS 0.98 35141.94 united states
16-Jun-2016 pithampur 27149010 raw materials for producing tire blown asphalt ws27 700 KGS 1.34 939.07 japan

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