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HS Code 27075000 Import Data India, Indian Custom Shipment Import Data of HS Code 27075000

Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 27075000 import data and import data of products under 27075000 HS code. 27075000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 27075000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 27075000 mixed xylene (solvent grade) (cert ref no.k001-16-0724039 dt.30.09.2016) 15.5 MTS 657.46 10190.69 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 ennore 27075000 topsol a100 (c9 aromatic solvent) in bulk 50 MTS 672.76 33638.18 thailand
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 solvent c-9 (kicepa cert. k001-16-0641842/30.08.2016) 20 MTS 665.85 13317.08 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 c9 (kicepa no.k001-16-0642413 dt.30.08.2016) 20 MTS 666.37 13327.45 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 techsol-100 (solvent c-9) (in bulk) (kicepa ref no.k001-16-0755982 dtd:13.10.2016) 100 MTS 614.37 61436.77 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 techsol-100 (solvent c-9) (in bulk) (kicepa ref no.k001-16-0755982 dtd:13.10.2016) 40 MTS 614.37 24574.71 korea,republic of
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 mixed xylene. (in bulk) 16 MTS 617.64 9882.20 brazil
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 mixed xylenes (aifta no.iai2016-0035170 dt.22-09-2016) 11 MTS 644.51 7089.61 thailand
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 mixed xylene (aifta no. iai20160017982 dt. 23.05.2016) 18 MTS 699.29 12587.27 thailand
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 mixed xylene (solvent grade) 21 MTS 617.64 12970.39 brazil
22-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 solvent naphtha m (solvent c 10) (in bulk) (aifta ref no.20165070979 dtd:01.11.2016) 94.118 MTS 719.48 67715.85 singapore
22-Nov-2016 nhava sheva sea 27075000 mixed xylene (solvent grade) (cert ref no.k001-16-0724039 dt.30.09.2016) 30 MTS 657.46 19723.91 korea,republic of
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 mixed xylenes (aifta no.iai2016-0035170 dt.22-09-2016) 48 MTS 644.51 30936.49 thailand
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 c9 (techsol 100) in bulk (kicepa coo ref. no. k001-16-0668092 dt.08.09.2016) 7 MTS 674.63 4722.39 korea,republic of
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 techsol-100 (solvent c-9) (in bulk) (kicepa ref no.k001-16-0755982 dtd:13.10.2016) 47.573 MTS 614.37 29227.32 korea,republic of
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 solvent c9 in bulk 19.65 MTS 624.74 12276.13 netherlands
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 solvent c9 in bulk 44.35 MTS 624.74 27707.19 netherlands
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 c-9/solvent naphtha 40 MTS 599.50 23980.16 portugal
21-Nov-2016 bombay sea 27075000 mixed xylenes (with aiftapt ref. no.iai2016-0037073 dt.06.10.2016) 200 MTS 656.78 131355.78 thailand
21-Nov-2016 kandla 27075000 c9 (techsol-100) (kicepa 20 MTS 656.43 13128.53 korea,republic of

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