Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 21069019 import data and import data of products under 21069019 HS code. 21069019 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 21069019, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 347
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
17-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 21069019 | maltina drink | 5 | PCS | 0.98 | 4.89 | lao people's democratic republic |
16-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | corn flakes pack 30 grs (goods not for sale use only flightcatering) | 100 | PCS | 0.30 | 30.46 | france |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh haricots verts 12x250gr (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 2 | NOS | 43.62 | 87.24 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh blue berries 12x125gr holland (goods not for sale useonly flight catering) | 2 | NOS | 44.12 | 88.25 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh red chard lettuce 8x125gr (goods not for sale use onlyflight catering) | 2 | NOS | 20.89 | 41.78 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh mesclun lettuce 8x125gr (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 2 | NOS | 20.89 | 41.78 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh strawberries medium 8x500gr holland (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 1 | NOS | 24.07 | 24.07 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh portabella mushrooms 1.5kg holland holland (goods notfor sale use only flight catering) | 1 | NOS | 22.65 | 22.65 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | philadelphia 1.65kg (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 6 | PCS | 24.23 | 145.40 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | feta 1kg dodoni (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 6 | KGS | 15.99 | 95.97 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | smoked cheese 10x200gr (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 3 | NOS | 35.10 | 105.29 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | yoghurt greek 500g fage (goods not for sale use only flightcatering) | 12 | PCS | 4.48 | 53.73 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | cheddar mild red 5kg - cardinal (goods not for sale use onlyflight catering) | 20.22 | KGS | 9.29 | 187.89 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | danablue 50+ wheel 3kg - grand or (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 30.69 | KGS | 9.56 | 293.40 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | french emmental bl l emmenfield 4x3.5kg (goods not for saleuse only flight catering) | 19.104 | KGS | 8.82 | 168.58 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | camembert 50+ 36x125gr - prestige (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 5 | NOS | 69.03 | 345.13 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | swiss gruyere block 2.5kg - le superbe (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 19.86 | KGS | 28.70 | 569.92 | netherlands |
03-Nov-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | red currant frozen 1kg fruitlife (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 5 | KGS | 4.62 | 23.10 | netherlands |
28-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | haricots verts extra fine 2kg kenya (goods not for sale useonly flight catering) | 2 | NOS | 45.63 | 91.25 | netherlands |
28-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 21069019 | fresh red chard lettuce 8x125gr (goods not for sale use onlyflight catering) | 2 | NOS | 21.85 | 43.70 | netherlands |