Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 09011129 import data and import data of products under 09011129 HS code. 09011129 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 09011129, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 20
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
21-Nov-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | coffee beans arabica-peru arabica coffee beas (grade black/broken) | 120575 | KGS | 1.31 | 158314.98 | peru |
09-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 09011129 | arabica coffee beans | 94875 | KGS | 1.26 | 119819.21 | honduras |
08-Nov-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | green coffee beans washed uganda arabica coffee bugisu triage | 90000 | KGS | 1.44 | 129987.00 | uganda |
26-Oct-2016 | delhi air cargo | 09011129 | wy000708 arabic coffee sachet 150 gm packet, total 100 pack(goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 15 | KGS | 9.98 | 149.77 | oman |
25-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | washed arabica coffee beans | 105600 | KGS | 1.27 | 133940.64 | tanzania |
25-Oct-2016 | tuticorin sea | 09011129 | washed honduras arabica coffee resaca b crop 2015/2016 | 56925 | KGS | 1.26 | 71895.07 | honduras |
24-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | coffee beans(arabica),kenya black arabica coffee beans | 18000 | KGS | 1.44 | 25997.40 | kenya |
23-Oct-2016 | tuticorin sea | 09011129 | washed honduras arabica coffee resaca b crop 2015/2016 | 189750 | KGS | 1.26 | 239472.91 | honduras |
20-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | china arabica coffee beans baoshan low grade-(coffee beans arabica) | 96000 | KGS | 1.36 | 130982.11 | china |
19-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | peru green coffee beans grade 4 | 89700 | KGS | 1.36 | 122375.86 | peru |
17-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | coffee beans (arabica), kenya arabica coffee beansimport permit no:23ic 372953 dt:04.05.2016 | 72000 | KGS | 1.26 | 90959.36 | kenya |
17-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | coffee (arabica) , kenya black arabica coffee beans | 18000 | KGS | 1.43 | 25724.70 | kenya |
12-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | china arabica coffee beans baoshan low grade-(coffee beans arabica) | 96000 | KGS | 1.36 | 130982.11 | china |
04-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | washed arabica coffee beans | 86405 | KGS | 1.27 | 109593.93 | tanzania |
02-Oct-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | arabica coffee beans,uganda arabica triageimport permit no.23ic 372852 dt:17.06.2016 | 33380 | KGS | 1.33 | 44502.22 | uganda |
30-Aug-2016 | delhi air cargo | 09011129 | wy000708 arabic coffee sachet 150 gm packet, total 100 packet (goods not for sale use only flight catering) | 15 | KGS | 9.98 | 149.77 | oman |
30-Aug-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | arabica coffee beans tanzania arabica coffeeimport permit no:231c 372838 dt:09.05.2016 | 36000 | KGS | 1.41 | 50937.38 | tanzania |
29-Aug-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | china arabica baoshan low gradeimport permit no:23ic 372862 dt:05.07.2016 | 96000 | KGS | 1.36 | 130981.79 | china |
22-Aug-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | arabica coffee beans import permit no: 23ic 372845 dtd:10.052016 | 37200 | KGS | 1.34 | 49815.79 | china |
21-Aug-2016 | mangalore sea | 09011129 | arabica coffee beans import permit no: 23ic 372845 dtd:10.052016 | 37200 | KGS | 1.34 | 49815.79 | china |