Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 01069000 import data and import data of products under 01069000 HS code. 01069000 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 01069000, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 0
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | drosophila stocks(promace fly)(biological material d.melanogaster(scientific samples for research purpose only) (special | 400 | VLS | 3.29 | 1314.94 | austria |
08-Nov-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | drosophila stocks(promace fly)(biological material d.melanogaster(scientific samples for research purpose only) (special | 400 | VLS | 3.42 | 1366.33 | austria |
27-Oct-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 01069000 | live mice(004758 b6;129s7-wnt5a<tm1amc>/junk unknown genotype(dtls api) | 9 | NOS | 388.49 | 3496.41 | united states |
27-Oct-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 01069000 | live mice(004758 b6;129s7-wnt5a<tm1amc>/junk unknown genotype(dtls api) | 8 | NOS | 388.49 | 3107.92 | united states |
26-Oct-2016 | hyderabad air cargo | 01069000 | 14816-f mice b6:129s5-hcar2/tm1lex (female mice) (6 -7 weeks) (40 nos) (dgft lic no: 0950000534 dt: 22.06.2015) | 40 | UNT | 69.89 | 2795.42 | united states |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice- pet1cre (1 male & 3 female) (imp lic.0350003228 dt.07.09.2016) (for r & d unit only) | 4 | NOS | 209.00 | 835.99 | france |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice- rosa flox hm3d (2 male & 2 female) (imp lic.0350003228 dt.07.09.2016) (for r & d unit only) | 4 | NOS | 209.00 | 835.99 | france |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice- nod.cb17-prkdc<scid>/j hom homozygous genotype (female)(imp lic.0350003087 dt.11.02.2016) (for r & d unit onl | 40 | NOS | 141.75 | 5670.04 | united states |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice- nod.cb17-prkdc<scid>/j hom homozygous genotype (male)(imp lic.0350003087 dt.11.02.2016) (for r & d unit only) | 40 | NOS | 144.35 | 5773.92 | united states |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice : b6129sf2/j-female. (age-6) lic no.0950000631/1/14/00 dt. 08.09.2016) (aq noc : 107(imp)/aqcs mum/2016/346 dt | 5 | NOS | 150.39 | 751.93 | united states |
26-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice : b6129sf2/j-male. (age-6) lic no.0950000631/1/14/00 dt. 08.09.2016) (aq noc : 107(imp)/aqcs mum/2016/346 dt.2 | 5 | NOS | 150.39 | 751.93 | united states |
05-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live animals- female rats lew/ssnhsd 4-5 weeks (75-125 grams) (license no. 0350003058, dt. 07.01.2016) | 100 | UNT | 75.47 | 7547.00 | united states| |
05-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live animals- male rats lew/ssnhsd 4-5 weeks (75-125 grams) (license no. 0350003058, dt. 07.01.2016) | 50 | UNT | 66.87 | 3343.36 | united states| |
04-Oct-2016 | kolkata air cargo | 01069000 | hsd nd4-5 weeks (21-25 grams ) mice (m) (live animal for research purpose only ) | 50 | PCS | 71.93 | 3596.45 | united states |
02-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 01069000 | (live animals)female rats hsd:sprague dawley sd(4 weeks)(licence no:0750000861 dt: 09/04/2015) | 190 | NOS | 25.75 | 4892.55 | germany |
02-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live dog name-aura mc no. 900030001854402, breed labrador retriever, sex-female, age-1 years 10 months, colour:golden | 1 | NOS | 171.27 | 171.27 | south africa |
02-Oct-2016 | bombay air cargo | 01069000 | live mice- nod.cb17-prkdc<scid>/j hom homozygous genotype (female)(imp lic.0350003087 dt.11.02.2016) (for r & d unit onl | 75 | NOS | 142.89 | 10716.57 | united states |
02-Oct-2016 | banglore air cargo | 01069000 | (live animals)male rats hsd:sprague dawley sd(4 weeks)(licence no:0750000861 dt: 09/04/2015) | 190 | NOS | 25.17 | 4783.13 | germany |
28-Sep-2016 | hyderabad air cargo | 01069000 | db-m mice bks.cg/bom tac-m+/+lepr [db] male (5 weeks) (40 nos) (dgft lic no: 0950000534, date: 22.06.2015) | 40 | UNT | 168.59 | 6743.51 | denmark |
06-Sep-2016 | banglore air cargo | 01069000 | (live animals)male cd[crl:cd(sd)strain code 001]rats (4 weeks)licence no:0750000861 dt: 09/04/2015) | 220 | NOS | 26.61 | 5853.56 | united states |