List of HS Codes of Heading 3208 : The following goods for use in the manufacture of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) sheets or backsheet, which are used in the manufacture of solar photovoltaic cells or modules, namely:- (i) EVA resin; (ii) EVA masterbatch; (iii) Poly ethylene terephthalat
Hs Codes Section
Section Codes
Section Description
Chapter (28 to 38) – Section VI - Products of the Chemicals or Allied Industries
The following goods for use in the manufacture of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) sheets or backsheet, which are used in the manufacture of solar photovoltaic cells or modules, namely:- (i) EVA resin; (ii) EVA masterbatch; (iii) Poly ethylene terephthalat