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List of HS Codes of Heading 2402 : Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes[Rate Ref by SNo 14 in Sch IV of Ntfn 01/2017 IGST]

Hs Codes Section
Section Codes Section Description
Section-04 Chapter (16 to 24) – Section IV - Prepared Foodstuffs; Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar; Tobacco and Manufactured Tabacco substitutes
Hs Codes Chapter
Chapter Codes Chapter Description
Chapter-24 Tobacco and Manufactures; Tobacco Substitutes
Hs Codes Heading
HS Codes Heading Heading Description Import Data Export Data
2402 Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes[Rate Ref by SNo 14 in Sch IV of Ntfn 01/2017 IGST]
Hs Codes Products
Hs Codes Products Description Import Data Export Data
240210 Hs Code For Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco:
24021010 Hs Code For Cigar and cheroots[Rate Ref by SNo.(8) in Ntfn 01/2017-Compensation Cess (Rate)]
24021020 Hs Code For Cigarillos
240220 Hs Code For Cigarettes, containing tobacco:
24022010 Hs Code For Other than filter cigarettes, of length not exceeding 65 millimetres
24022020 Hs Code For Other than filter cigarettes, of length exceeding 60 millimetres 70 millimetres but not exceeding
24022030 Hs Code For Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) not exceeding 65 millimetres
24022040 Hs Code For Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 70 millimetres but not exceeding 75 millimetres
24022050 Hs Code For Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimetres or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 70 milli-metres but not exceeding 75 millimetres
24022060 Hs Code For Filter cigarettes of length (including the length of the filter, the length of filter being 11 millimeters or its actual length, whichever is more) exceeding 75 millimeters but not exceeding 85 millimeters [Tariff Line 2402 2060 omitted by Finance (No.2)
24022090 Hs Code For Other
240290 Hs Code For Other:
24029010 Hs Code For Cigarettes of tobacco substitutes
24029020 Hs Code For Cigarillos of tobacco substitutes
24029090 Hs Code For Other[Rate Ref by SNo.(18) in Ntfn 01/2017-Compensation Cess (Rate)]

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