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Kinder joy Import Data of India, Indian Customs Shipment Import Data of Kinder joy & Price in India

Export Import Data Solutions provides a 100% authentic and updated trade report of Kinder joy Import Data with import shipment data of Kinder joy importers in India. Kinder joy Import Data of India is collected from Indian ports, customs, and other trusted authorities in India. Indian Kinder joy Import data report helps to analyse Import price, quantity, market trends, and so on. Download free samples of Import data of Kinder joy.

Total Records

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
24-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 39269099 t61014604/01 blistertrager kinder joy set trays for 'kinderjoy' (plastic moulds) 650 PCS 73.30 47647.74 germany
21-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84382000 mannual work bench for manufacture of kinder joy chocolate 1 NOS 19612.14 19612.14 italy
21-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84382000 cutting die sahara lower side for manufacture of kinder joychocolate 1 NOS 10734.23 10734.23 italy
21-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84382000 interchangable cartridges cup shapped for manufacture of kinder joy chocolate 1 NOS 546.79 546.79 italy
21-Oct-2016 bombay air cargo 84382000 difusore to tray distance 62 to hopper for manufacture of kinder joy chocolate 25 NOS 59.02 1475.48 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081789 3-750-041-01 inflection blade device (for kinder joy chocolate) 20 NOS 97.02 1940.41 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081783 3-130-011-04-a three step pulley (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 2095.64 2095.64 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081784 4-750-011-03-a drive shaft (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 970.20 970.20 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081782 4-750-050-07 guide belt (for kinder joy chocolate) 22 NOS 70.34 1547.47 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 4f72110044 exchanger wp1-3 of thermoartica (for kinder joy chocolate) 2 NOS 552.29 1104.58 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 5k43191238 external packing(for kinder joy chocolate) 5 NOS 101.84 509.18 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 470devsi25wbd solenoid valveevsi-25-wbd (for kinder joy chocolate) 2 NOS 210.37 420.73 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081773 pulley 3-052-393-05 (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 926.54 926.54 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081774 shaft 4-753-061-01-a (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 848.93 848.93 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081775 kit containmentsideboard (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 6548.87 6548.87 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081776 kit sliding beltprofile (for kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 9483.73 9483.73 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081777 roller belt 04-753-050-11 (for kinder joy chocolate) 11 NOS 254.68 2801.46 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081778 blade 4-750-013-01 (for kinder joy chocolate) 2 NOS 208.59 417.19 italy
01-Sep-2016 bombay air cargo 84389090 spare parts for refiner hfe/518 cm000081779 3-750-110-03 containment sideboard (for kinder joy chocolate) 2 NOS 242.55 485.10 italy
09-Aug-2016 bombay air cargo 73079990 cm000082197 kit pipes e30 (for cream line refiner for mfg kinder joy chocolate) 1 NOS 112.55 112.55 italy

Are you looking for more information such as below?

  • Who are the top Importers and buyers of Kinder joy in India?
  • What are the top exporting countries of the world who exports Kinder joy to India?
  • How much quantity of Kinder joy does India Import?
  • At what price India Import Kinder joy?
  • What are the shipment details of Indian Importers of Kinder joy?
  • Who is the largest importer of Kinder joy in the world?
  • What type of Kinder joy imported to India?

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