Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 970500 import data and import data of products under 970500 HS code. 970500 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 970500, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
12-Jun-2016 | delhi air cargo | 97050010 | kudu (tragelaphus strepsiceros) shoulder mount (trophy) | 1 | PCS | 1085.20 | 1085.20 | south africa |
12-Jun-2016 | delhi air cargo | 97050010 | blesbuck (damaliscus pygargus phillipsi) shoulder mount (trophy) | 1 | PCS | 651.12 | 651.12 | south africa |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:panja,celba pantandra from hortus indicus malabaricus(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 4749.43 | 4749.43 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:fakir's sandal 1 wooden fakir's sandal(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 474.94 | 474.94 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:surgical instrument 2 curiew- shaped surgical instrument(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 158.31 | 158.31 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:persian jar 1 glazed earthenware albarello,(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 6332.57 | 6332.57 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:areca catechu from hortus indicus malabaricus(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 4749.43 | 4749.43 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:fakir's sandal 2 wooden fakir's sandal with iron(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 474.94 | 474.94 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:surgical instrument 1 wolf shaped surgical instrument(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 791.57 | 791.57 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:betal nut cutter nut cutterwith steel blade,(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 237.47 | 237.47 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:creamware toothpaste pot medium: ceramic,(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 316.63 | 316.63 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:devil mask, large painted wooden devil mesk,(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 7915.72 | 7915.72 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:colour plates from publishedbook hamsasvarupa(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 3166.29 | 3166.29 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:surgical instrument 3 lion shaped surgical instrument(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 158.31 | 158.31 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:talismanic shirt inscribed with pages from the koran (as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 18997.72 | 18997.72 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:yantra square hindu meditation plaque (as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 1583.14 | 1583.14 | united kingdom |
10-Dec-2015 | bombay air cargo | 97050090 | exhibtion goods & return- title:persian jar 2 earthenware drug jar,(as per inv.) | 1 | NOS | 3957.86 | 3957.86 | united kingdom |