Export Import Data Solutions provides the latest HS code 4805 import data and import data of products under 4805 HS code. 4805 Import Data report helps to find all products imported under the HS code 4805, importing price, importers list, shipment details, etc. The traders can analyze market trends, product demands, products price, etc. and find new customers.
Total Records 1526
Date | Indian Port | CTH | Item Description | Quantity | UQC | U.P.USD | Assess USD | C O O |
22-Nov-2016 | sabarmati icd | 48059100 | uncoated barrier paper for waxing,coating&impregnating-qf9197-80g-1250mm | 13544 | KGS | 2.02 | 27358.88 | china |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-880 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 5.513 | MTS | 707.00 | 3897.69 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-690 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 2.495 | MTS | 707.00 | 1763.96 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-800 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 2.854 | MTS | 707.00 | 2017.78 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-770 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 2.055 | MTS | 707.00 | 1452.89 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-840 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 7.518 | MTS | 707.00 | 5315.23 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | nhava sheva sea | 48052500 | ks 170 : test liner paper - ks-170t-730 mm d117n (170 gsm) (aifta no. iai2016-0041729 dtd.10/11/2016) | 2.641 | MTS | 707.00 | 1867.19 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | sabarmati icd | 48059100 | uncoated barrier paper for waxing,caoting&impregnating-qf9037-80g-1250mm | 18385 | KGS | 2.06 | 37828.20 | china |
22-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 48054000 | vop 3842043 air filter insert (parts of penta engine) | 5 | NOS | 121.63 | 608.14 | sweden |
22-Nov-2016 | ludhiana | 48059100 | uncoated base paper for waxing,coating and impregnation.pc-607 graphite grey, gsm-70. | 1491 | KGS | 3.25 | 4839.72 | spain |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | fluting paper in rolls : substance cai 185 gsm; width 117 cm; dia 117 cm | 2651 | KGS | 0.41 | 1097.78 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48052500 | test liner paper in rolls : substance kt 250 gsm ; width 160cm; dia 127 cm | 3470 | KGS | 0.44 | 1542.07 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 48054000 | voe 14532085 filter eleme (parts of volvo construction equipment) | 12 | NOS | 74.70 | 896.36 | china |
22-Nov-2016 | banglore air cargo | 48054000 | vop 3836478 air filter insert (parts of penta engine) | 1 | NOS | 53.53 | 53.53 | sweden |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48059300 | "laminated grey chip board (1200g,1500g- size :30"" x 41"" inch)" | 9.374 | MTS | 470.55 | 4410.92 | china |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | flutting paper 185 gsm cai185e-1140mm d117n(fluting paper of relevant gsm) | 3469 | KGS | 0.41 | 1436.51 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | flutting paper 185 gsm cai185e-1170mm d117n(fluting paper of relevant gsm) | 3505 | KGS | 0.41 | 1451.42 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | flutting paper 185 gsm cai185e-1350mm d117n(fluting paper of relevant gsm) | 3084 | KGS | 0.41 | 1277.08 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | flutting paper 185 gsm cai185e-1400mm d117n(fluting paper of relevant gsm) | 6260 | KGS | 0.41 | 2592.27 | thailand |
22-Nov-2016 | chennai sea | 48051900 | flutting paper 185 gsm cai185e-1450mm d117n(fluting paper of relevant gsm) | 7714 | KGS | 0.41 | 3194.37 | thailand |