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Afghan crisis live updates

As when see historical event and before 31 August the Taliban had decided to forced out the American forces from Afghanistan. Once their plan has executed completely. The went toward another plan and started to capture one city after another city rapidly. They started capturing one city after another city. According to Afghanistan update crisis we can see  Kabul take control over whole Afghanistan completely within a week. On 15 august 2021, the Afghanistan government fall down before Taliban revival. The Afghanistan president and some other minister ran away to the neighbouring country Tajikistan due to fear of strong-armed forces of Taliban revival while some other fled away to neighbouring country Pakistan. After two decades Afghanistan took their power back through brutal forces.The brutal forces of Taliban engulfed the whole Afghanistan and some other surrounding areas. Now situation is totally worst there many people have killed, many children have to get separation from their parents and many of them are still trying to come out of the country Afghanistan.

The capturing by Taliban left the Afghan people in distress and has to suffer under the Taliban’s rule. Now Taliban get their power through brutal force. Now with return of Talibian into power the fear of terrorism spread in all over the reason. According to report it is said that Taliban is in the favour of forming new government who will work toward raising Sharia law in the country. The Taliban named Mullah Hassan Akhund an associate of movement’s late founder Mullah Omar, the head of new government. Mullah Baradar the head of movement political office as, deputy. As per report the acting Prime minister Mullah Hassan Akhund appreciated Afghans and also raising their will power to removing out of all foreign forces, end of occupation and complete liberation of country.

He said that now new government will work for the people welfare.  He also added that and gave surety to the citizen   to uphold the Islamic rules and Sharia law in the homeland AFP agency reported. Sirajuddin Haqqani son of founder of the Haqqani network, delegate as a terrorist organization by the United States, will be designated as a new interior minister. TheUnited States has halted all removal flight from the Kingdom after discovering worst outbreak among refugees arriving in the empire. The decision took place on the advice of the centre for disease control and prevention which look after “health safety concerned”. After 20 years of historical war Taliban came in power take place. After two decades USA militants’ power is removed from the Afghanistan. The war killed tens thousand of people and also displaced many people from their home. The forces owed to not allow this estate to become a base for terrorist activity who could threaten the west. But question arises in my mind how the government rule the estate and the law would help the right of the women. A big question that now arises in every mind. It terms of life cost it is not easy to say how this war will have affected the people.

Research by Brown University estimates losses in the Afghanistan security forces that are about 69000. The number of civilians and militant killed at about 51000 each. Some people fled away from the land to another estate as a refugee. Still government is unclear unfortunately women have to suffer more in the future. According to report spokesman of nation Suhail Saheen said that the government will respect the right of women and do efforts for the welfare of the women as per Islamic law. The military had said that they will join women its government. But still women have lots of fear to freedom to do work; even they cannot choose their dress according to their will and even cannot move alone out of their house without men. These all cause a reason of fear among the Afghanistan women. Another fear is that nation becomes the terror base for the terrorist. As said by report the government exclaimed that their main aim is to spread Islamic law in the Kingdom not to threat any other country.

But many analysts said that Taliban and al-Qaeda are central part of terrorism. They played a major role in spreading terrorism. There is some regional branch of Islamic state group ISKP (Khorasan Province) which is opposed by them. One third of the population is facing food security issue two million children are suffering from malnutrition according to world food program (WFP). Afghanistan still faces food security shortage even it is captured by them. Approx. 54.5 % people are living below poverty line as data saying. This territory is one of the poorest countries in the world. Last year Ashraf Ghani said that 90 percent people of the nation earning is less than $2 a day. The worst situation happening with women and girls which is very sorrowful. Right now, 80% people need only humanity help. The International rescue committee provide a lot of support to Afghani people. Attack on Kabul airport is representing a new level of danger in the Afghani people. We are in distress by seeing death in the Kingdom.

We can see that they are forcing child marriage and also threating the women to do rape with them. We could see the violence against the women in every field. The IRC is deeply concerned with the bad situation of women. Women’s right should be respected. The internal movement from territory has increased by 53percent since the start of August. We can see the crisis faced by the people in terms when people trying to leave Kingdom from Kabul. Still formation of new government delayed again and again. The Taliban have trying to hide their brutal image 90s. The USA and UK government said they are in hurry to recognise Taliban government. India is also silent on this issue. Taliban Supreme religious leader is focussing only on religious matter and trying to spread Islamic religion all over the Nation.  We have deep condolence with the Afghan people.

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