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Piyala/Ballabhgarh ICD Import Data, Customs Shipment Data of Piyala/Ballabhgarh ICD Port

Find the Piyala/Ballabhgarh ICD port import data with complete customs shipment details. Import data of Piyala/Ballabhgarh ICD port is collected from actual lading bills of customs. Piyala/Ballabhgarh ICD port import data report shows products imported, shipping date, importer name, price, hs code, etc.

Date Indian Port CTH Item Description Quantity UQC U.P.USD Assess USD C O O
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 29072990 2,6 di-tertiary butyl phenol 29760 KGS 1.70 50496.77 china
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 39019090 enhanced polyethylene resin elite 5401 g 24.75 MTS 1389.34 34386.10 thailand
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 39019090 enhanced polyethelene resin elite 5401 g 24.75 MTS 1373.60 33996.60 thailand
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl shine-up roggen 139(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 700 SQM 11.96 8371.25 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57033020 tgl newnormal stone 136 r(antistatic tufted polypropylene carpet tiles) 1500 SQM 7.12 10677.62 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 29072990 2,6 di-tertiary butyl phenol 44640 KGS 1.70 75745.15 china
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl first lines gris rose 901 n(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 1000 SQM 9.51 9510.20 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 76020010 shredded aluminium scrap tense as per isri 49.22 MTS 1438.16 70786.36 united kingdom
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 39011010 "linear low density polyethylene lldpe ""lotrene"" (q1018n)" 17.25 MTS 1151.17 19857.60 qatar
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 76020010 shredded aluminium scrap twitch as per isri 45.15 MTS 1383.70 62474.05 united kingdom
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl first lines grafiet 921 n(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 550 SQM 9.51 5230.61 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl first radiant blue 504(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 500 SQM 9.51 4755.10 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl alfa black/blue 991(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 500 SQM 8.28 4137.54 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 57032020 tgl pixel pine grn 610(antistatic tufted polyamide carpet tiles) 515 SQM 11.98 6172.08 belgium
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 76020010 shredded aluminium scrap trump as per isri 22.08 MTS 1599.33 35313.11 netherlands
22-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 76020010 shredded aluminium scrap tense as per isri 49.62 MTS 1498.22 74341.67 united kingdom
21-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 73219000 573000070002 lid s4im smlt nop 1.3 ( components for gas cookers ) 13000 PCS 0.77 9970.65 italy
21-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 73219000 587897212000 bracket 14mm (components for gas cookers) 70000 PCS 0.04 2482.03 italy
21-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 73219000 151010200078 injector 0.78 h2 (components for gas cookers) 2500 PCS 0.17 418.67 italy
21-Nov-2016 piyala/ballabhgarh icd 73219000 683000090000 flspr sup ga s4i m moun ( components for gas cookers ) 13000 PCS 0.77 9970.65 italy

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